Hello, friends! Happy weekend!
This week in Aya is allllll about giving ourselves permission to be wild & free.
I used to think "wild" & "free-spirited" dancing had a look to it:
Hair flying.
Curvy, mobile spine.
Sexy, flowy clothing.
Vigorous, uninhibited movement.
Some dirt or sand flying here or there... 😂
I'd see pictures of a woman dancing at places like Burning Man, or at music festivals, or in dance clothing ads..... and it was sooooooo cooooool looking.
And I wanted to be wild and free like that.....
But over the years, I started to wonder: is that really what it means to be wild or free?
I mean... should "wild" have a look to it?
Was I really dancing authentically if I was trying to look wild & free-spirited?
One day it clicked... perhaps the most wild & free thing I can do when dancing is to simply honor my body/self and do what feels right (regardless of how it looks), and not care so much about what people think...
And -you guys- for me, that wild & free dancing often doesn't look anything like the image I had imagined.
What if sometimes the wildest, freest dancing one can do, is:
rest when you are tired
move however feels right, regardless of look
slow down & care for your body as it heals
ignore the choreography if it doesn't feel good
go hard even if everyone else is going easy
go easy even if everyone else is going hard
dance from a chair
stay in place even if everyone else travels
move without planning or picturing it
lighten up: be playful and silly
move itself from the inside out
make sound if you want
be quiet if you want
feel good, smile, enjoy your body
appreciate and care for your body
bounce, flail, shake, or roll around on the floor...... or let yourself not do those things.
follow your own lead
Now, all that said.... I don't really mean to set out to purposefully do the opposite of everyone else just to be different....
I just mean to give yourself permission to dance and express yourself however feels right moment to moment (even if it's different than everybody else).
And then -- get this, you guys -- what if sometimes the wildest, freest thing we can do is to simply allow ourselves to blend right on in with everyone else? To just let ourselves be ordinary... and part of the group....... To let go of any need to stand out or be different in any way. Wait, what? 🤯 Can that really be wild & free too? Can blending in also be a choice? Let's explore it and find out!
So "permission" for any/all of that is what we'll be diving into this week.
We'll playfully shake off our inhibitions, and explore: what if there really is no right or wrong way to dance? What does it really mean to dance wildly & freely?
Ahhhhhhhh...... So looking forward to another week with you, friends!
See you soon!
💛 Dani
Join us this week for some movement, friendship, and good vibes! ✨
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